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Letters to the Editor

Friday, July 26, 2024 10:20 AM

Fennessy is the best choice, Spokesman Review, July 25, 2024

Fennessy is the best choice

I have been an attorney in Spokane for 36 years. I first met Tim Fennessy as a young lawyer and was quickly impressed by his knowledge of the law, litigation skills, compassion for clients and willingness to give back to the legal community. He was a tenacious and effective advocate and extremely knowledgeable lawyer in private practice.
The legal community knows it is a sacrifice for successful trial lawyers to leave private practice to serve as a judge. Tim Fennessy was willing to do so. Judge Fennessy brings legal acumen and a fair-minded approach to the bench. He has served our community honorably and established himself as a practical, no-nonsense judge. He does not abide by lack of preparation in his courtroom, as no good judge should. Effective lawyers learn from mistakes and respect judges who call it like they see it. Others choose to project frustration in a loss on the judge rather than accept their own lack of preparation or poor judgment.
Criticism of Judge Fennessy by lawyers typically falls within the latter category. I will be voting for Judge Fennessy because he is the best choice.

Michael Walker

Sunday, June 30, 2024 11:25 AM

Retain Judge Fennessy, Spokesman Review, June 30, 2024

Retain Judge Tim Fennessy

The article in the June 21 paper giving the rundown of choices for Spokane Superior Court, Position 11, election missed its mark with the headline stating, “Demeanor key in judicial race.” The only reason “demeanor” is even being mentioned in this race is due to one individual, F. Dayle Anderson, who appears hellbent on taking Judge Fennessy down.

In the article, Anderson went on a rant about Judge Fennessy, including calling him an “angry man,” but when pressed, could not give any specifics, about any of the accusations. Not one. Mr. Anderson has never run for office, has raised zero dollars for his campaign and has no endorsements. He appears to be in this race for one reason, to be the spoiler to a fantastic, veteran judge, Tim Fennessy. The other comments mentioned in the article about being disqualified simply come with the territory. Other popular superior court judges have seen 50 such qualifications, but no one seems to be going after them. This issue is personal.

It’s personal to Mr. Anderson and to the others who did not like the Judge Fennessy’s decisions. An election is the perfect time to get their “pound of flesh” from him.

Tim has been a fantastic judge, who for the record, has one of the most affable personalities I have been around and cares deeply about Spokane. We need his experience with so many new judges coming on. Retain Judge Tim Fennessy by looking past this drama and voting yes for Tim!

Harry Sladich


Sunday, June 30, 2024 11:21 AM

Critical does not mean capable -Spokesman Review, June 30, 2024.

Critical does not mean capable

The upcoming judicial election appears to be heating up. While criticism of the incumbent is to be expected in any election, the criticisms of Judge Fennessy should be weighed alongside his many good characteristics.

Judge Fennessy currently has the responsibilities of the presiding judge while also managing the extremely busy criminal court calendar. This is, no doubt, a weighty and challenging responsibility. I have appeared in front of Judge Fennessy hundreds of times and have watched him make thoughtful and conscientious decisions. His years of experience on the bench are certainly a benefit to the court and the community.

In listening to the comments of some of his opponents, I am reminded how easy it is to level criticisms as an armchair quarterback; being able to criticize a sitting judge does not tell voters whether you are capable of performing his duties.

Summer Rife



Monday, June 3, 2024 12:20 PM

Vote Fennessy for Judge - Spokesman Review June 2, 2024

Vote Fennessy for judge

I endorse Timothy Fennessy for Superior Court Judge. He has served for eight years in this capacity and is well known by his fellow judges and lawyers for his high intellect, work ethic, independence and fairness.

Two other candidates for this position, Mr. Andersen and Mr. Van Winkle, neither of whom have judicial experience, have commented in this paper that Judge Fennessy’s demeanor on the bench is “rude,” and thus he is not fit.

Van Winkle admits that he has never been in Judge Fennessy’s courtroom, but he is nevertheless “not a fan.” This is much like criticizing the umpire when you have never been to the ballpark.

I have tried cases in Spokane County, including before Judge Fennessy for 46 years (now retired and no need to curry favor). Judge Fennessy is the obvious choice to be returned to the bench for an additional four years to continue his good work there, and he has my vote.

Martin Salina Spokane

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